Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring is here!

Soo I am well aware that it has been over a week since Easter and nearly two since my last post, but don't you worry, I'm back! I'd like to use the excuse that I've been waiting for my cousin to send me her pics since my camera battery charger is stuck in Atlanta, but then I'd just be full of excuses. Anywayyyy, as mentioned way back, I went to Cleveland for Easter. It was so great to hang out with my cousin, her husband, and their kiddos.

We had a great time over the short weekend I was there to visit. We took the kids to see the Easter bunny, had dinner with most of the extended family, and prepared for Easter. Liz pulled out all of the stops -- bringing out the fine china for Easter, adding cute little bunny S&P shakers, and even making her own napkin rings. I mean, even the butter was shaped like a lamb. Nothing less than perfect at this house! I even ironed the table cloth. I barely iron my clothes for work, let alone a table cloth. Then again, I would need to own a table cloth.

It was so great to see the fam again. I'm sure going to miss these cute faces!

Alas, after four hours of driving in the pouring rain I made it back home to Cincinnati to this surprise...

a sweet Easter card and this cute little plant that I've already managed to kill. Whoops.

Last weekend Ry Guy and I went to our first Reds game of the season. We were grateful that of all days it decided not to rain, it was Saturday. Ryan's good friend and cousin and her fiance had a grill out at their house before the game.  I had a great time spending time and getting to know Ryan's very close knit group of friends a little bit better. To end a fantastic night -- the Redlegs pulled out a W in extra innings!

Until next time...


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